From Sweden with love

Thanks to my amazing friends in Sweden, I received my second T-Post shirt in the mail today! T-Post, for those of you who don’t know, is the world’s first wearable magazine. It’s based on a subscription service, and much like your favorite paper magazine you don’t know what the story is about, or who’s designed it until you get it. So every 5 weeks you get an exciting little surprise in the mail.

So now in addition to this gem:
An augemented reality T-shirt, that allows you to challenge your computer in a real game of play rock, paper, scissors.

I now own this:
Kudos to my beautiful friend, Simon, for modeling the shirt so handsomely online.

While the shirts can be quite pricey to get here in the US, they’re well worth it. I can’t wait to get my next one!

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